BM30026 Foot switch assembly 01002012
  • BM30026 Foot switch assembly 01002012
  • BM30026 Foot switch assembly 01002012
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BM30026 Foot switch assembly 01002012


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Item NO.: V012837 MOQ: 0
Weight:    11kgs
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BM30026 Foot switch assembly, Using drawwork hoist speed ,control block upward and downward.

deliver time:STOCK

The name of the model
Communication module 0522-2500-14
Dc control module 0521-2500-23
ETSCO communication control module EL21-2500-14
Dc control module ETSCO EL22-2400-21
Power limit PC14 box
PC11 generator excitation board
PC13 grounding fault detection board
HOC power panel PC3
PC12 ammeter switch board
AC active power 2000 kw/AC, KILOWATTS
AC reactive kvar table 2000 kvar/AC, KILOVARS
AC voltmeter 0-750 - v/AC
AC current meter 0-2000 - a/AC
45 ~ 55 hz frequency table
Synchronous table missile - FAST, 120 v
0 ~ 100% AC communication by surface
DC DC surface 100-0-100%
QL98M single-phase rectifier bridge
Synchronizing relay (Model 9088800102 PRS250)
Idle running KLA1 switch
Purifying power T04
GEN running lights kxpa1w 9001 (white)
GEN lamp online kxpa1r 9001 (red)
GEN containing 9001 kxrb1a lamp button (yellow)
Power limited lamp 9001 kxpa1a (yellow)
Grounding test button 9001 kr1bh8 (black)
Grounding detection indicator PL - 18 v, 6 w lamp shade (colorless)
Indicator bulb CML755, 6.3 V
Indicator bulb CML757 28 v, 80 ma
(synchronous indicating lamp 130 v light)
Indicator bulb 18 v, 6 w (ground detecting light)
P9XUIDD0 lights - white
Light - green P9XUVRD0
Light - red P9XURRD0
Light yellow P9XUGDD0. -
661 a270g06 current switch
508 a452g23 synchronous switch
Transformer T15
Transformer T07
Transformer T08
Transformer T10
Transformer T12
Transformer T13
Transformer T14
Transformer T11
SCR cabinet, pulse trigger transformer DDB02 m DDB02-50 - zero - 05-02
Fuse LE - 1076, 107 the RSM, 600 a, 700 v

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